Thomas Baeté

ornementation et improvisation, consort

The moment you play or sing music from a distant past back to life, two things happen: you make an instant, personal connection with that past, and at the same time you create something completely new and unique to that very moment.
The meeting of these seemingly opposite currents form the waves Thomas Baeté rides when he performs, researches, teaches and directs early music. His instruments are the viola da gamba and the medieval fiddles, which he also uses to accompany his singing. He always seems to be looking for poetry in music and music in poetry. Based in Belgium, his musical activities brought him to over 20 European countries, as well as Morocco, Peru, Colombia, the US of A, Canada, Georgia and Japan.

Over the last 20 years, he toured as free-lance musician and recorded with Mala Punica, Capilla Flamenca, graindelavoix, Collegium Vocale, La Petite Bande, La Roza Enflorese, and Toronto Consort, amongst many others. He was seen on stage with contemporary dance productions of ROSAS and Les Ballets C de la B. He is a fixed member of the viol groups The Spirit of Gambo and Hathor Consort, and the world music trio Osuna. Exploring his passion for 14th Century polyphony, he founded the ensemble ClubMediéval, and his project Transports Publics brings unknown 17th Century music to the light.
Thomas is the author of the acclaimed viol method The Natural Violist (Walhall Editions). His teaching is continuously inspired by both his stage work and his practice of Yoga and martial arts (kinomitchi).


Thomas Baeté has led the following projects:

1. "Transports Publics" productions:
- Rediscovery and recording (MF8023) of the works of Anthony Poole (1629 - 1692)
- Research and recording (MF8028) on Leonora Duarte and her family (Antwerp, ca 1640)
- Project for Concertgebouw Brugge based on the Dutch version of Lully's Armide
- Research and production around the Cantiones Natalitiae (Antwerp and Ghent, ca. 1650)
- Research and production Music for John Gostling, Henry Purcell's favourite bass
- 'Les Chaussettes de l'Archiduchesse', a tragicomic show created with Tristan Droillard and Francesco Olivero
- in progress: after Saint-Omer (Poole), and Duarte (Antwerp), Thomas Baeté continues his research on the Southern Netherlands in the 17th century with Richard Dering (Brussels) as his key figure.
- in progress: reconstruction of a Purcell opera never composed: 'A New Orpheus'.

2. ClubMediéval productions:
- Research and recording (MF8017) 'Paolo da Firenze' (ca.1355 - 1436)
- several projects based on the Gruuthuse Manuscript (Bruges, ca 1400)
- Research and forthcoming recording: the complete works of Gilles Joye (1425 - 1483)
- Production: Il canto de la Sibila, the Mediterranean tradition of the song of the Sybil, with creations of compositions by Jan Van Outryve and Jonas Bisquert.
- Production Fuit in Bruxella, music at the court of the Dukes of Brabant 1300- 1500
- Ars Novissima production: Paolo da Firenze meets Ictus Ensemble, creation of *Lanquidity* by Michaël Grébil
- Research and production Venecie Mundi Splendor (Ciconia, Antonius Romanus et al.)
- Gotisch/Neogotisch: encounter between the Antwerp cathedral choirmasters Johannes Pullois (1430 - 1478) and Lodewijk De Vocht (1887 - 1977) - Project on the Panciatichi Manuscript 27 and Isabella d'este

Other artistic productions:
- reconstructions of different types of viol, in collaboration with luthiers Marco Ternovec and Gesina Liedmeier.
- DIALOGEN a violin + voice video project, available on YouTube
- Coming soon: Subtle Divas, a video project based on Ars Subtilior and creative recycling.

Participative and educational projects:
- Gruuthuse zingt Gruuthuse: returning the songs in the manuscript to the people of Bruges
- courses and masterclasses for the MUBAFA festival, at the Royal Irish College of Music, at LAMP in Lunenburg, Canada,...
- Publication 'The Natural Violist, XV essential exercises for the viol' chez Walhall Editions Voir aussi :