Frédérick Haas

clavecin, basse continue

Frédérick Haas, educated at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam, the Royal Conservatoire in Brussels, and the Sorbonne in Paris, has held a fascination for the harpsichord and the craft of early instrument making since childhood. Immersed in French classical culture and captivated by Japan, he thrives on the cross-fertilization of cultures and the comparison of human and artistic experiences—acting as antidotes to the stereotypes sometimes associated with today's 'historically informed' approach.
"Frédérick Haas is a regular guest at major venues dedicated to Baroque music, both as a soloist and leading the Ausonia ensemble. His approach to the keyboard—harpsichord, organ (studied with André Isoir), and fortepiano—illuminates the works he performs. This is evident in his solo discography, consistently praised and awarded by the specialist press. Notable recordings include Suites by d'Anglebert, the complete works for harpsichord by Rameau, English Suites, Goldberg Variations, Concertos, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Partitas by J.S. Bach, a significant selection of Scarlatti Sonatas (including five recorded at the age of 26), and the complete works for harpsichord by J.S. Bach. His discography also encompasses Scarlatti Sonatas (five discs spanning from 2002 to 2022) and six albums dedicated to François Couperin.
In 2007, he collaborated with Mira Glodeanu to record J.S. Bach's six Sonatas for violin and obbligato harpsichord. Over the course of twenty-five years, he has curated original programs for the Ausonia ensemble, a collaborative effort founded with violinist Mira Glodeanu. The ensemble serves as a laboratory for researching performance techniques and exploring expressive possibilities. Notable recordings by the ensemble include works by Francœur, Rameau (particularly acclaimed after ten years of dedicated work), J.S. and C.P.E. Bach, Biber, Tartini, and more.

In 2015, Frédérick Haas established the publishing company Hitasura Productions. Its inaugural recording of J.S. Bach concertos with Ausonia was released in spring 2016, garnering acclaim from Tokusen de Record Geijutsu, 5 stelle de Musica, and 5 de l'Écho. Subsequent releases include three discs of Sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti in 2017, praised by Choix de France Musique, Joker de Crescendo, and ***** Suonare News. Additionally, J.S. Bach's second Well-Tempered Clavier, released in the same year, earned the title of "disc of the year" by Trouw.
J.S. Bach's Musical Offering was published in 2023.
In 2018, Frédérick Haas served as the artistic coordinator of the Scarlatti 555 project. This ambitious initiative, organized in collaboration with France Musique and the Festival de Radio France Occitanie Montpellier, aimed to present the complete 555 sonatas by Scarlatti. The project featured 35 recitals by 30 harpsichordists from around the world, all meticulously recorded and filmed. In conjunction with the event, Haas curated a night of archive footage featuring harpsichordist Scott Ross for France Musique.

Since 1997, Frédérick Haas has served as a professor of harpsichord at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles. His expertise extends globally, having conducted master classes in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Japan. Additionally, he has served as a distinguished member of the jury at various international harpsichord competitions.

Frédérick Haas maintains the Henri Hemsch harpsichord from 1751, alongside a Hofmann pianoforte from Vienna, circa 1785.



Solo harpsichord

  • 2022 D. Scarlatti, 13 Sonates du Libro 3° de 1753, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2021). Amadeus d’Oro, Top de Music Paper, Choix de France Musique
  • 2021 F. Couperin, Pièces des 3e et 4e Livres, 2 Cds, Hitasura productions (enr. 2021). Amadeus d’oro, Exceptional Scherzo, disco del mese Audioreview
  • 2017 J.S. Bach, second Clavier bien Tempéré, 2 Cds, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2016). *****, Disque de l’année de Trouw
  • 2016 D. Scarlatti, 35 Sonates, A. Soler, Fandango, 3 CDs, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2014). Choix de France Musique, Joker Crescendo. Sélectionné par, ***** Suonare News, **** Classica
  • 2012 J. S. Bach, Variations Goldberg. Editions LDV (enr. 2010)
  • 2010 F. Couperin, pièces de clavecin des Livres III et IV (2 disques). Editions Alpha (enr. 2007). ffff Télérama.
  • 2008 F. Couperin, pièces de clavecin des Livres I et II (2 disques). Editions Alpha (enr. 2007). Choc du Monde de la Musique, **** de hand van Guido.
  • 2003 D. Scarlatti, 21 Sonates de la maturité. Editions Calliope (enr. 2002). 10 de Répertoire, Coup de cœur Piano magazine, ***** la Scena Musicale
  • 2000 J. S. Bach, suites anglaises 3, 4, 5, toccata en mi mineur. Editions Calliope (enr. 1998). 5 Classica, 10 Crescendo.
  • 1999 J. Ph. Rameau, Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin. Editions Calliope (enr. 1998). Choc de Classica
  • 1998 J. Ph. Rameau, l’œuvre de clavecin, Livres 1 & 2. Editions Calliope (enr. 1997). Sélection Fnac, 5 Classica.
  • 1997 J. H. d’Anglebert, suites pour le clavecin. Editions Calliope (enr. 1996). 10 de Répertoire, 5 Diapasons.

With the Ausonia ensemble (conductor and harpsichord)

  • 2023 J.S. Bach, Offrande musicale, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2022)
  • 2020 C.P.E. Bach and Tartini, Sonates & Concertos, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2019). Supersonic Pizzicato
  • 2018 Biber, Rosenmüller, Froberger : Passion, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2017). ***** Classic voice
  • 2015 J.S. Bach, Concertos pour violon et pour clavecin, Hitasura Productions (enr. 2014). Tokusen Record Geijutsu, 5 Stelle Musica. ***** L’Écho
  • 2009 J. Ph. Rameau, programme original d’airs et de pièces instrumentales des opéras Zoroastre et Zaïs. Eugénie Warnier, soprano, Arnaud Richard, basse, onze instruments. Editions Alpha. (enr. 2008). Disque de l’année Le Monde, Choc de Classica/Répertoire, 20/20 Musik an sich, 5 Rondo.
  • 2007 François Francoeur et François Rebel, Zélindor, roi des Sylphes, opéra en un acte. Bénédicte Tauran, Aurore Bucher, sopranos, Mathias Vidal, haute-contre, Arnaud Richard, basse, dix instruments. Editions MBF (Paru dans le coffret du 20e anniversaire du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles). (enr. 2007)
  • 2005 François Francoeur, airs et sonates pour violon. Isabelle Desrochers, soprano, Mira Glodeanu, violon, violoncelle, violone, contrebasse, théorbe, clavecin. Editions Alpha (enr. 2004). Joker Crescendo.
  • 2004 Thomas-Louis Bourgeois, cantates. Isabelle Desrochers, soprano, violon, viole de gambe, violone, contrebasse, théorbe, clavecin. Editions Musique en Wallonie (enr. 2004)
  • 2002 François Francoeur, sonates pour violon et basse continue. Mira Glodeanu, violon viole de gambe, violone, contrebasse, théorbe, clavecin. Editions Calliope (enr. 2001). 5 Diapasons. Avec la violoniste Mira Glodeanu
  • 2006 J. S. Bach, Sonates pour clavecin et violon obligé (2 disques). Editions d’Ambronay (enr. 2006). ***** Goldberg, coup de cœur Le Soir, disco excepcional scherzo.


  • 2023 F. Couperin, Messe des Couvents, P. Dumage, Premier Livre d’orgue, à l’orgue de St-Michel-en-Thiérache. Production Boston Early Music Festival.
  • 2021 J.S. Bach, Variations Goldberg. Production Philarmonie de Paris.
  • 2020 J.S. Bach, Offrande musicale, avec Ausonia. Production Commune Image Media
  • 2018 D. Scarlatti, 30 Sonates. Production France Musique, Festival de Radio France (partie du projet Scarlatti 555)
  • 2009 Biber/Zeami, Résurrection. Sonates du Rosaire, théâtre Nô, pièces de clavier de Froberger et J. S. Bach. DVD Live d’un concert donné en
  • 2008. Editions Souvigny festival.

Upcoming projects

  • Publication de l’enregistrement de la première Clavier-Übung (2 Cds) de J.S. Bach
  • Publication d’un large essai de recherches techniques et esthétiques sur l’interprétation aujourd’hui de la musique baroque.
  • Coordination d’un séminaire de recherches de trois années sur la facture de clavecins française, centré sur le travail des frères Vater et Hemsch, avec la Fondation Royaumont et le Musée de la Musique de Paris.
  • Publication d’un enregistrement de Toccate de G. Frescobaldi enregistrées sur un clavecin cordé en boyau.
  • Enregistrement de la seconde Clavier-Übung de J.S. Bach
  • Fin de l’enregistrement intégral de l’œuvre pour clavecin de F. Couperin
  • Enregistrement audio des Messes pour orgue de F. Couperin
  • Enregistrement de sonates et fantaisies de W.A. Mozart au forte-piano.
  • Enregistrement de sonates pour violon et forte-piano de W.A. Mozart