My journey with the viola da gamba has been a lifelong passion. At the age of 12, I discovered this enchanting instrument and, captivated by its allure, pursued formal studies first at the Ueno Gakuen in Tokyo under the guidance of Toshinari Ohashi, and later at the Royal Conservatoire in Brussels with Wieland Kuijken. Since then, I have made Brussels my home and embarked on a journey as a viola da gamba performer and recording artist, spanning across Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Asia. The role of a viola da gamba player is multifaceted, demanding proficiency in playing continuos of different genres, mastering a variety of solo pieces, understanding and expressing the subtleties of consort ensemble and various musical groups, and navigating the full range from treble to bass viol. I consider myself fortunate to have cultivated a broad foundation as a violist, a credit to the pioneering masters during my student years and the collaborative spirit of the colleagues with whom I've had the privilege of playing.

Furthermore, I have consistently endeavored to master the intricacies of polyphony, the essentials of Baroque sound production, and the art of messa di voce. Delving into bowing techniques has allowed me to explore a spectrum of colors, aiming to be a musician capable of creating a unique sound that resonates harmoniously with my instrument. I strive to maintain my own musical identity, possessing a distinct axis in any performance situation while still connecting and resonating with fellow musicians. It is this comprehensive approach that I am committed to passing on to my students.


  • Regular performances with a number of prestigious ensembles, including the Ricercar Consort, Les Arts Florissants, Les Talents Lyriques, the Dutch Bach Society and the Concertgebouw Orchestra.
  • Yuu: Gentleness And Melancholy. Ramée, 2021. Enregistrement solo, diapason d’or.
  • Kagami – Mirror. Ramée, 2023. Enregistrement solo.