Bernard Woltèche

chamber music

Born into a family of musicians, Bernard Woltèche began by studying law. He obtained a Soloist's Diploma for the cello at the Zwolle Conservatory (Netherlands). He works regularly with the Capella Amsterdam, BachPlus, Il Gardellino and B'Rock ensembles.

Bernard has been principal cellist of the Ad Mosam ensemble since 1994. He is currently co-artistic director. 

Bernard is head of the chamber music class in the early music department at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles. He founded first the 'Studio de Musique baroque' and then the 'Collegium Musicum', which is a regular guest at major festivals such as l’Automne musical de Spa (B),  Embaroquement immédiat (FR), Barockfestival Sittard (NL), Mubafa (B).